
Android Pentesting

Android Penetration Testing focuses on identifying vulnerabilities and evaluating the overall security posture of Android applications and devices. This process involves simulating real-world attacks to uncover potential weaknesses that malicious actors could exploit within the Android ecosystem.

The Importance of Android Pentesting

The urgency to launch Android applications quickly often leads to compromised security due to insufficient time dedicated to thorough penetration testing.

Android penetration testing is essential for securing devices and applications that handle sensitive data, protecting them from cyber threats like data breaches, unauthorized access, and malware. It also assists organizations in meeting regulatory compliance by identifying and addressing vulnerabilities that could result in non-compliance. By proactively identifying weaknesses, penetration testing helps mitigate security risks, preventing financial losses, reputational damage, and operational disruptions.

Regular testing strengthens the overall security posture by identifying flaws in Android applications, the operating system, and configurations, enabling the implementation of effective security controls and best practices. It also safeguards sensitive user data—such as personal and financial information—against unauthorized access or leakage, helping maintain trust with customers and stakeholders. Android penetration testing equips organizations to adapt to evolving threats by uncovering new attack vectors and vulnerabilities arising from updates in Android OS and app frameworks.

Our Approach

Our Android Application Penetration Testing approach involves comprehensive manual and dynamic analysis of Android applications, whether or not their source code is accessible.

Leveraging the OWASP Mobile Security Testing Guide (MSTG) and OWASP Mobile Application Verification Standard (MASVS) methodologies, we use tools and techniques similar to those employed by real attackers. Our focus is on identifying and mitigating OWASP’s Top 10 Mobile Risks specific to Android.

In cases where source code is available, vulnerabilities are directly validated. When source code is not accessible, we utilize reverse engineering techniques on the application's binary to reconstruct key portions of the code, enabling us to detect and address potential security vulnerabilities effectively.

Key Features of Our Android Security Services

  • Code Review: Conducting thorough code reviews to identify and fix security vulnerabilities in your Android applications.
    • Static Analysis: Using static analysis tools to detect vulnerabilities in source code.
    • Manual Review: Performing manual code reviews to uncover complex security issues.
  • Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST): Conducting real-time testing to identify vulnerabilities during application runtime.
    • Automated Scanning: Utilizing automated tools to scan for common vulnerabilities in Android applications.
    • Manual Testing: Conducting manual tests to identify complex security flaws.
  • Secure Development Lifecycle (SDLC): Integrating security into every phase of the Android application development lifecycle.
    • Threat Modeling: Identifying potential threats and vulnerabilities early in the development process.
    • Security Training: Providing training for developers on secure coding practices for Android applications.
  • Authentication and Authorization: Implementing robust mechanisms to control access to your Android applications.
    • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Enhancing security with MFA for critical applications.
    • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Ensuring appropriate access based on user roles.
  • Data Protection: Securing sensitive data handled by your Android applications.
    • Encryption: Ensuring data is encrypted at rest and in transit.
    • Data Validation: Implementing data validation to prevent injection attacks.
  • Google Play Compliance: Ensuring your Android applications meet Google Play Store security requirements.
    • Play Store Guidelines: Reviewing and ensuring compliance with Play Store guidelines.
    • Security Best Practices: Implementing best practices to enhance the security of your Android applications.
  • Device Security: Ensuring that applications are secure on Android devices, considering the diverse device ecosystem.
    • Root Detection: Implementing measures to detect and respond to rooted devices.
    • Secure Storage: Utilizing secure storage mechanisms provided by Android.

Detailed Reporting and Remediation Guidance

Our detailed penetration testing report is written in understandable terms and provides clear and actionable information about identified vulnerabilities, their potential impact, and recommended remediation steps. This allows your team to quickly understand and start addressing issues immediately.

  • Executive Summary: High-level overview of the findings aimed for management and delivered shortly after the assessment.
  • Technical Details: In-depth reporting with details at every step of our penetration testing services, helping your technical teams replicate the vectors easily and remediate swiftly.  
  • Report Readout: We provide report read out for your management, accelerating the understanding of the report and clarifying any unclarities on the spot. 
  • Remediation Guidance: Post-pentest step-by-step support and guidance on how to fix identified vulnerabilities and accelerate the remediation 
  • Free Retesting: Following the remediation of identified vulnerabilities, we offer a free retesting of all the vulnerabilities to ensure everything has been remediated.

Why Work With Us

Our team of experienced security professionals brings deep knowledge and experience of application security and the latest threat landscapes. We operate as your internal team, seeking to always understand the challenges you face and ensure you solve them, always. Work with us and experience open and transparent communication throughout the testing process providing real-time updates and insights. This collaborative approach ensures that you are always informed and can prioritize remediation efforts effectively.


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    Open Plateform Vulnerabilities

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    Malware and Spyware

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    Penetration Testing

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    Data Protection Compliance

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    User Privacy Assurance

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    Sophisticated Cyber Threats

Related Certifications

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Our Approach

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    We Assess

After an initial call with the client, Pretera will start working on scoping and based on the required amount of the time required to complete the work, the client will receive a detailed offer.

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    We Prevent

During the assessment phase, Pretera will provide its services for which the client has paid for, and it could range from a few days assessment to a several weeks assessment.

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    We Secure

Upon completion of the assessment, Pretera will deliver a detailed report of findings to the client and will offer a walk-through presentation if asked by the client.