
Email Phishing

Since the early days of the internet, email phishing has been a constant cyberattack method where attackers impersonate trusted entities or individuals in email communications to deceive people into revealing sensitive information. Phishing campaigns often involve fraudulent emails designed to appear legitimate, tricking recipients into clicking malicious links, downloading malware, or sharing personal or financial details.

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The Importance of Email Phishing Security

Email phishing is a prevalent form of cyber attack where attackers send fraudulent emails to trick individuals into divulging sensitive information or performing actions that compromise security. As these attacks become more sophisticated, it is crucial to prepare your employees to recognize and respond appropriately to phishing emails. Ensuring the security of your email communications is vital to protecting your organization from potential breaches.

Our Approach

At Pretera, we have successfully conducted email phishing assessments to identify and mitigate potential email-based threats. We've developed a tailored methodology that ensures all crucial aspects are addressed, including evaluating email security protocols, identifying vulnerabilities in communication systems, and testing user susceptibility to phishing attempts. Our email phishing assessments cover the following key areas:

  • Reconnaissance and Information Gathering
  • Email Phishing Penetration Testing
  • Incident Detection and Response Testing
  • Analysis and Reporting

Key Features of Our Email Phishing Services

  • Scenario Development: Crafting realistic email phishing scenarios tailored to your organization to effectively test employee responses.
    • Custom Scenarios: Developing tailored scenarios that mimic real-world phishing attempts relevant to your industry.
    • Targeted Attacks: Simulating attacks that target specific departments or roles within your organization.
  • Simulated Attacks: Conducting controlled email phishing simulations to evaluate how employees respond to fraudulent emails.
    • Realistic Emails: Using realistic and sophisticated phishing email templates.
    • Response Monitoring: Tracking and analyzing employee responses to identify areas for improvement.
  • Awareness Training: Providing comprehensive training to educate employees on recognizing and responding to phishing attempts.
    • Training Sessions: Conducting interactive training sessions to raise awareness about email phishing tactics.
    • Best Practices: Sharing best practices for handling suspicious emails and protecting sensitive information.
  • Incident Response Evaluation: Assessing the effectiveness of your incident response protocols for handling phishing incidents.
    • Protocol Review: Reviewing existing incident response procedures to ensure they are robust and effective.
    • Response Drills: Conducting drills to practice and improve response times and actions during a phishing incident.
  • Continuous Improvement: Offering ongoing support and periodic assessments to maintain a high level of vigilance against email phishing threats.
    • Regular Updates: Providing updates on new phishing tactics and trends.
    • Follow-Up Assessments: Conducting follow-up assessments to measure improvement and identify new vulnerabilities.

Detailed Reporting and Remediation Guidance

Our detailed penetration testing report is written in understandable terms and provides clear and actionable information about identified vulnerabilities, their potential impact, and recommended remediation steps. This allows your team to quickly understand and start addressing issues immediately.

  • Executive Summary: High-level overview of the findings aimed for management and delivered shortly after the assessment.
  • Technical Details: In-depth reporting with details at every step of our penetration testing services, helping your technical teams replicate the vectors easily and remediate swiftly.  
  • Report Readout: We provide report read out for your management, accelerating the understanding of the report and clarifying any unclarities on the spot. 
  • Remediation Guidance: Post-pentest step-by-step support and guidance on how to fix identified vulnerabilities and accelerate the remediation 
  • Free Retesting: Following the remediation of identified vulnerabilities, we offer a free retesting of all the vulnerabilities to ensure everything has been remediated.

Why Work With Us

Our team of experienced security professionals brings deep knowledge and experience of application security and the latest threat landscapes. We operate as your internal team, seeking to always understand the challenges you face and ensure you solve them, always. Work with us and experience open and transparent communication throughout the testing process providing real-time updates and insights. This collaborative approach ensures that you are always informed and can prioritize remediation efforts.


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    Security Awareness Training

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    Cybersecurity Breaches

  • Mask group – 2024-04-22T094541.759

    Employee Vigilance Enhancement

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Related Certifications

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Our Approach

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    We Assess

After an initial call with the client, Pretera will start working on scoping and based on the required amount of the time required to complete the work, the client will receive a detailed offer.

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    We Prevent

During the assessment phase, Pretera will provide its services for which the client has paid for, and it could range from a few days assessment to a several weeks assessment.

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    We Secure

Upon completion of the assessment, Pretera will deliver a detailed report of findings to the client and will offer a walk-through presentation if asked by the client.